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4 Reasons Hair Loss Customers Left Mosh and How We're Changing

By David Narunksy (Co-Founder)
4 min read

It’s hard to lose customers, and even harder to face the sometimes-unpleasant feedback that comes with it. But as any business owner will know, customer loss (churn) is part of the gig. Where the difference lies, however, is in what that you choose to do about it.

At Mosh, we have a growth mindset and we care about the truth. We want to hear about the creases in your customer experience so we can iron them out and make the necessary improvements.

It’s a philosophy we call ‘churn and learn’, because customer churn doesn’t have to spell the end of our relationship with you. Rather, it can promote growth and change, and in some cases, even reignite and strengthen a relationship.

So, in true Mosh form, we reached out to customers who stopped using our services and dug deeper into why they cancelled. Our goal? To learn how to better serve their needs if and when they return. 

Here’s what we learnt.

We’ve created a customer retention team to understand WHY

We know our customers expect an amazing experience when they engage with Mosh, and why shouldn’t they?

People today are expecting a higher standard than ever from their customer experiences, and in many ways, we have user-centric companies like Amazon and Uber to thank for setting the bar so high. 

At Mosh, we like to learn from the best, and whilst we know that our products and services won’t work for everyone, we’ve taken some of the best global companies' strategies to heart so we can provide our customers with the best possible experience. Here’s a few we picked up as we were building Mosh.

  • We don’t just want to just listen to our customers, we want to understand them.
  • We value all customer feedback – good or bad.
  • Honesty and transparency are at the core of our business.
  • We’re not satisfied till our customers are 100% satisfied.
  • We’re not afraid to apologise if we stuff up.
  • We take a personalised approach with each customer, so not only are your health treatments unique to you, but you can also talk to us directly about any issue you’re dealing with and we’ll work to address it as fast as possible.  

We’re responding to your feedback

We’ve had some amazing feedback from guys who have used our services over the years.

“Such an awesome service. I thought I was doomed!” – Justin. L

“Every time I sent an enquiry the customer service team get back to me straight away. Doctors have been helpful throughout my time with Mosh” – Damien. C

Whilst we’re stoked with these messages of gratitude, we’ve also had plenty of constructive criticism, which is now feeding into our improvement strategy.

Here are four of the most common complaints we’ve had and how we’re tackling them.

Problem 1: The products didn’t work

Let’s take hair loss as an example. 

Research has shown that prescription hair loss treatments for men (when used as prescribed) can halt hair loss in the majority of men [1] , but unfortunately there will be some men it doesn’t work for.

It also takes time to see results – sometimes up to six months or longer.


We’ve been educating people through our ultimate hair loss guide and online health practitioner consultations that treatment takes time to work, but for most, it’s worth the wait.

Being in the know and having realistic expectations is part of getting the most from Mosh services. 

Our hair loss programs are personalised to your needs, which means treatments are unique to you and your health practitioner will provide follow-up consultations every few months to review your progress. If you’re not seeing the results you want to see, let us know. Your Mosh subscription provides you with unlimited access to health practitioners to discuss your treatment.

Problem 2: Treatments are too expensive

We totally get it; the cost of living is expensive, and while some men would like to treat their hair loss, it might be that extra cost they just can’t afford right now.

It’s important to remember there are different ways to calculate value. Price is obviously one key metric, but that assumes that we’re just a dispensary where you get your medication. But a Mosh subscription is much more than that. 

Not only are your meds delivered discreetly and ready to use, but they are part of a holistic service which includes the ability for you to schedule free consultations if you’re having issues or not seeing results fast enough. At a standard GP, these costs would rack up pretty fast. With Mosh, any treatment reviews or reformulations are on the house.

And yes, we know it’s possible to buy over-the-counter and prescription hair-loss medications for cheaper via online pharmacies overseas, but we urge you to exercise caution. All medicines can have unwanted side effects if not used appropriately. We offer a premium service of online health practitioner consultations and ongoing follow-ups because we value your safety.

Problem 3: Our customers sometimes experienced side effects

All medicines have the potential to cause side effects and the current best hair-loss treatments are no different. Despite side effects usually being rare [1], they do sometimes happen.

We offer a variety of treatment options:

If you are someone who has experienced side effects from hair loss treatment or you are worried about experiencing side effects, you can speak to your health practitioner online about a personalised plan with a lower side-effect profile.

Alternatively, you may opt for non-prescription programs that may include specific vitamins, shampoo and conditioner or even laser therapy (although the last one does have scarce evidence). You can access these here

Problem 4: There were operational issues

Whilst we try our best to ensure our customers have a smooth customer experience, there are times when things don’t quite go to plan.

Perhaps your order didn’t arrive on time, you couldn’t find a suitable time to chat with the doctor, or you were accidentally sent more treatments than needed.

We’ve boosted our offering:

We’ve made a number of operational changes that will significantly improve your experience with Mosh.

  • On-demand health practitioners are now available between 8am to 6pm every day of the year.
  • We’ve significantly grown our customer and medical support teams to provide you with the best possible assistance throughout your journey
  • Our dedicated order fulfillment team is focused on promptly resolving any dispatch or order-related challenges that may arise, ensuring the timely delivery of your treatments

We understand that a smooth, hassle-free experience is crucial to your hair loss journey success, and we’re continuing our efforts to improve and streamline our operations so that you receive the care and attention you deserve. We remain dedicated to listening to your feedback and making the necessary changes to exceed your expectations. 

True to our word, we want to dig deeper into our customer needs, so please email me your feedback, the good the bad and the ugly. It will not only help us grow, but we’ll learn how to better serve your needs if and when you decide to return to us.

Co-founder: David Narunsky

David is a co-founder of Mosh. Mosh was built to not only help David, but other Aussie guys keep looking and feeling good about themselves.

*This information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. It should never be relied upon for specific medical advice. If you have any questions or concerns, please talk to your doctor.



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