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Pills to Last Longer in Bed

By Mosh
Treat Premature Ejaculation
5 min read
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Faster does not always mean better – learn about our effective pills to last longer in bed so that you can relish your intimate nights with your partner. We at Mosh are here to answer controversial questions like ‘How to last longer in bed?’ or ‘How to stop premature ejaculation?

So stop worrying – you don’t have to keep your condition a secret any longer. We want you to know that premature ejaculation is something you can freely discuss with us. In fact, this condition is not as rare as you think. Studies have shown that about one in three men experiences premature ejaculation.[1]

Additionally, rapid ejaculation during sexual intercourse is not completely psychological in nature. Not only does it deal with feelings of anxiety and depression, but it also revolves around men’s physical health. To go beyond the taboo, we must face this medical condition head-on and get it treated by a doctor. 

Our online sexual health platform

You don’t need to go to a physical men’s health clinic because Mosh is 100% online but has all the functionality of a traditional clinic. You don’t even need to go through the hassle of finding a hair loss doctor or an ED doctor. Our Australian health practitioners can help answer your questions surrounding pills to last longer in bed. 

In our online set-up, we partner only with highly skilled and passionate health practitioners who are capable of giving you premature ejaculation treatment or premature ejaculation medication based on your specific needs. We hire these medical professionals as contractors, which means that they do not have to abide by the rules that limit regular employees. Our practitioners can care for your sexual health through means they deem fit. 

Address the elephant in the room now with Mosh’s premium services. Simply answer some background questions about your health condition, and consult with a health practitioner to see what will work for you. 

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Treat Premature Ejaculation

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How long can an average man last in bed?

It’s tricky as not all men react in the same way – especially when it comes to performance during sex and overall ejaculation time. Some men may feel the need to look for pills to last longer in bed because their partner wants a little more out of them during their intimate moments. On the other hand, other men may feel the need to consult a doctor for last longer pills because they themselves want to prolong their orgasm. 

Studies show that it takes about an average of 5.5 minutes for a man to ejaculate during sexual intercourse.[2] However, another study suggests that the normal time to reach climax would be around 3 to 13 minutes.[3]

At the end of the day, these numbers are just a guide as the issue is more of a matter of perspective. Concern towards the time it takes to ejaculate depends on your partner and relationship. Some couples finish relatively quickly while other couples have a great disparity when it comes to ejaculation time. 

If you have premature ejaculation symptoms and are frustrated with your sexual performance, then perhaps it is time to look at pills to last longer in bed. With Mosh, you can avoid the stress of researching for the best premature ejaculation pills or treatments. Rather, you can consult with one of our Australian health practitioners to get medical advice on sex treatments and your overall sexual health situation. 

Are there pills to last longer in bed?

Although not talked about often, premature ejaculation is a common problem among men, regardless of their age. This is why there are a number of natural pills to last longer available in the market. These supplements have ingredients that contain a variety of herbs. The most common natural herbs[4] to last longer in bed are as follows: 

  • Maca root. This herbal ingredient works by helping improve stamina and also relieves stress. Reportedly, this gives men the ability to last longer and feel less sexual pressure during intimate encounters.
  • Horny goat weed. While the maca root has properties that give men better stamina, horny goat weed focuses on performance anxiety. Studies claim that the ingredient takes away feelings of nervousness that plague the mind due to premature ejaculation. 
  • Tongkat ali. Pills to last longer in bed that have tongkat ali improve sexual performance as they increase your testosterone levels. Aside from this, tongkat ali also has the added benefit of improved fertility for men. 

To experience the most effective and optimal way to approach premature ejaculation, allow Mosh to analyse the specific factors in your personal situation. Consult with one of our health practitioners today and find out the causes of your sexual health issues. 

How long do these pills take to work?

Not all men react in the same way to medication like sprays or pills to last longer in bed. With something as personal as premature ejaculation treatment, the only way you can get a reliable estimate on the time it takes for the product to work is by speaking to an expert in the field of men’s sexual health. 

Here at Mosh, we give you not only personalised treatment, but also an avenue to talk to a health practitioner you can trust. We are dedicated to bringing you treatments that are catered specifically for your body. With our online services, you can consult with our medical professionals. Instead of scheduling appointments to physical clinics, you can talk to a Mosh health practitioner through video calls, voice calls, or even text messages at any time. 

Subscribe to our services now to address all your sexual health concerns and have longer meaningful moments with your significant other!

* Mosh offers many treatment options for your sexual health including tablets, capsules, and sprays. Your health practitioner will determine what is appropriate for you.

4 References


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