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Premature Ejaculation Pills to Last Longer in Bed

By Mosh
Treat Premature Ejaculation
7 min read
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There are certain occasions in life when being the fastest isn’t always best, especially when it comes to the treatment of premature ejaculation in the bedroom. Premature ejaculation is a common issue that many men face, but the good news is that it can be treated. At Mosh, we offer personalised men's health treatments, including effective solutions for premature ejaculation, designed to help you regain control and confidence in the bedroom and answer controversial questions like ‘How to last longer in bed?’ or ‘How to stop premature ejaculation?

If your ejaculation time is faster than you or your partner would like, then you are not alone. In fact, this condition is not as rare as you think. Studies have shown that about one in three men experience premature ejaculation [1]. In addition, premature ejaculation is a common condition in younger men [2] but can affect men of all ages.

Premature ejaculation during sexual intercourse is not completely psychological in nature; it can also be affected by physical factors and the use of medications such as antidepressants. While it does deal with feelings of anxiety and stress, it also revolves around men’s physical health, including the impact of medications like SSRIs on sexual performance. To go beyond the taboo, we're here to face this medical condition head-on and explore the options available in the treatment for premature ejaculation.

The good news is, there are things you can do to help. First, let's understand what can cause premature ejaculation to happen.

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What causes premature ejaculation?

There are many reasons a man may be suffering from PE. It could be down to chemical imbalances in the brain, health conditions such as high blood pressure or mental health conditions such as stress, anxiety or relationship problems which can also cause sexual dysfunction [2]. 

Other academic research has shown premature ejaculation can also be due to biological factors, such as an oversensitive penis [3] or changes in how the hormones and nerves interact [3].

A number of men with premature ejaculation could also be impacted by a history of alcohol or drug use [4].

How long can an average man last in bed?

Not everyone has sex for the same amount of time and there isn’t a set definition as to how long sex should last. Studies show that it takes about an average of 5.5 minutes for a man to ejaculate during sexual intercourse [5]. However, another study suggests that the normal time to reach climax would be around 3 to 13 minutes [6].

Around 4% of men have almost no control over when they ejaculate and feel like they have climaxed too quickly [3]. 

At the end of the day, these numbers are just a guide as the issue is more of a matter of perspective. Concern towards the time it takes to ejaculate depends on your partner and relationship – especially when it comes to performance during sex and overall ejaculation time. Some may feel the need to look for premature ejaculation tablets because their partner wants longer lasting performance during intimate moments. Others may feel the need to consult a doctor for ways to last longer in bed because they themselves want to delay orgasm and ejaculation.

If you have symptoms and are frustrated with your performance in bed, then perhaps it is time to look for help with premature ejaculation. With Mosh, you can avoid the stress of researching for the best premature ejaculation pills, treatments, or creams available. Rather, you can consult with one of our Australian health practitioners to get medical advice on sex treatments to improve your sexual performance. 

Is there a cure for premature ejaculation?

There are various options to treat premature ejaculation, and they are typically [3]:

  • Specific techniques are designed to help control ejaculation by intentionally delaying it. One common method involves stimulating the penis until just before orgasm, then stopping.
  • Medications that can extend the time before ejaculation. These include oral medications and topical numbing treatments applied to the tip of the penis. Both types may have potential side effects.
  • Sex therapy treatments are aimed at building confidence, reducing fears of sexual performance, and shifting the focus away from ejaculation to a broader experience of sexuality. Relationship issues may also be addressed if they contribute to the problem.

Are there pills to last longer in bed?

Although not talked about often, premature ejaculation is a common problem among men, regardless of their age. This is why there are a number of natural pills to help premature ejaculation available in the market. These supplements have ingredients that contain a variety of herbs, with the most common natural herbs[7] as treatment options for premature ejaculation as follows:  

  • Maca root: Maca has been used for thousands of years by populations in Peru [8] to help improve low sex drive. This herbal ingredient works by helping improve stamina and also relieves stress. Reportedly, this gives men the ability to try to last longer in bed and feel less sexual pressure during intimate encounters [9].
  • Horny goat weed: While the maca root has properties that give men better stamina, horny goat weed focuses on performance anxiety [10]. It contains chemicals that could help improve blood flow to the sexual organs [10] and studies claim that the ingredient takes away feelings of nervousness that may occur [10].
  • Tongkat Ali: Supplements to help men with PE that have Tongkat Ali is said to improve sexual performance as they work by increasing your testosterone levels [11]. Aside from this, Tongkat ali also has the added benefit of improved fertility for men and reducing stress.

To experience the most effective and optimal way to treat PE, Mosh health practitioners take into consideration the specific factors in your personal situation. Start a health quiz today to consult with one of our health practitioners and find out the causes of your male sexual health concerns.

four feet in bed

How long do these pills take to work? 

Not all men react in the same way to medication like PE pills or spray to last longer in bed. With something as personal as premature ejaculation treatment, the only way you can get a reliable estimate on the time it takes for the product to work is to speak to an expert in the field of men’s sexual health.

Here at Mosh, we give you not only personalised treatment, but also an avenue to talk to a healthcare professional you can trust. We are dedicated to bringing you treatments that are catered specifically for your body. With our online services, you can consult with our medical professionals who will take into consideration any underling health conditions. Instead of scheduling appointments to physical clinics, you can talk to a Mosh health practitioner through video calls, voice calls, or even text messages at any time. 

Other natural treatments to try for premature ejaculation

If you're not ready to speak to a healthcare professional, there are other natural treatments to try 

  • Zinc: Research has found that men with lower levels of zinc in their body have less testosterone [12]. There’s also some evidence to suggest that by boosting your zinc levels it will also help with climax control in bed [13]. You can find zinc in nuts, eggs, shellfish, red meat, legumes, dark chocolate and seeds.
  • Magnesium: Raising your magnesium levels has also been highlighted as a possible method to help you prolong your performance in bed and delay ejaculation during penetrative sex [14]. One study found that decreased levels of magnesium gives rise to vasoconstriction from increased thromboxane level… and decreased nitric oxide [15]. This may lead to premature ejaculation with magnesium involved in semen transport.
  • Pelvic floor exercises: Tightening your pelvic floor through daily exercises might help strengthen the muscles that stop you from ejaculating too quickly. There are various ways to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles through pelvic floor exercises [16], and you could try using the muscles to stop and start your urine flow as well as drawing your penis towards you then holding and releasing.
  • Practice: Data from academic research institutions suggest that having sex at least twice a week can reduce your chance of suffering from premature ejaculation [17].

Our online sexual health platform

You don’t need to go to a physical men’s health clinic because Mosh's premature ejaculation treatments are 100% online but has all the functionality of a traditional clinic. In our 100% online set-up, we partner only with highly skilled and passionate health practitioners who can help treat premature ejaculation based on your specific needs, recommending treatments that are proven to help you last.

Our Australian health practitioners can help answer your questions surrounding prescription medication to delay ejaculation, or how premature ejaculation pills work. 

Address the elephant in the room now with Mosh’s premium services. Simply answer a health quiz, and consult with a health practitioner to see what will work for you.

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