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5 Ways To Wellbeing

By Mosh
Treat Mental Health
5 min read
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Key Takeaways

The 5 ways to wellbeing were developed to better one's wellbeing regardless of the circumstance. They are comprised of; connect, be active, take notice, keep learning and give. They provide a framework for people to take action and focus on the things that matter the most in their lives to help to live a fulfilling and satisfying life. Mental wellbeing and mental health are inextricably connected, but not the same. To address any concerns that you may have, it is advisable to consult with a  mental health professional to receive proper advice and treatment depending on your specific situation.

Want to learn more about the 5 ways to wellbeing? We all have times in our lives when we feel like we are not quite on top of things. We have all had moments where we felt stressed, anxious, or just generally unhappy. The 5 ways to wellbeing are a set of actions that can help you improve your wellbeing, no matter what your circumstances are.

The New Economics Foundation (NEF) in the UK developed the 5 ways to wellbeing after being commissioned by Foresight, their government’s think tank, as an effort to improve the mental health and wellbeing of the entire population. In this article, we will go through them and discuss how they can help you.

If you or anyone you know is going through a challenging period, you can count on us at Mosh for help. We can link you with friendly Australian doctors who are committed to your health and wellbeing. They will treat all inquiries you may have such as ‘How to stop anxiety?’ or ‘What causes depression?’ with respect and confidentiality.

A man and woman having a friendly conversation in a kitchen about mental health.

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How do I promote better wellbeing in myself?

The 5 ways to wellbeing are: connect, be active, take notice, keep learning, and give.[1]

  • Connect: Connecting with other people and with the natural world around us is essential for our wellbeing. When we feel connected, we feel part of something larger than ourselves, and we can draw on the strength and support of others.
  • Be active: Being active is not just about exercise – it’s about finding ways to be physically engaged with the world around us. When we are active, our bodies release endorphins, which have mood-boosting effects.
  • Take notice: Paying attention to the present moment can help us appreciate the world around us and the people we share it with. When we take notice, we connect with our surroundings and ourselves in a deeper way.
  • Keep learning: Learning new things – whether it’s a new skill, subject, or activity – can help keep our minds sharp and to give us a sense of accomplishment.
  • Give: When we give our time, energy, or resources, we can make a difference in the lives of others. Giving also helps us connect with others and feel good about ourselves.

Why are the 5 ways to wellbeing important?

The 5 ways to wellbeing provide a framework for thinking about and taking action on the things that matter most in life. They can help us focus on what is most important to us and make choices that will lead to a more fulfilling and satisfying life.

Connection is important because it helps us feel like we are part of a community. As social creatures, we crave a sense of belonging to help us feel valued. Having positive relationships helps us share our experiences with others so that we have people who understand what we’re going through.

Being active helps us maintain our physical and mental health. Regular physical activity can help our body produce endorphins, manage stress, lift our mood, build self-esteem, and prevent disease.[2]

Taking notice encourages us to appreciate the world around us and be more mindful of our thoughts and feelings. Studies have shown that there is a positive relationship between wellbeing and gratitude.[3]

Learning helps us grow as individuals and keep our minds active. Learning new skills as an adult can benefit your emotional and mental wellbeing directly by boosting your confidence and self-esteem and indirectly by improving your employability and economic opportunities.[4]

Giving helps us both feel good about ourselves and make a difference in the world. Performing acts of kindness is a simple way to show that we care about others. Taking time out of our day to do something for someone else can help us feel happier and more balanced.[5]

What should I keep in mind when improving my wellbeing?

It’s important to remember that wellbeing is not static – it is something that you have to work on throughout your life actively. By using the 5 ways to wellbeing as a guide and making small changes in your everyday habits, you can make a big impact on your life.

However, while we might associate wellbeing with what is stress and what is mental health, we should not treat them as one thing. While mental wellbeing and mental health are related, they are not the same. 

For instance, people with mental illnesses can still have mental wellness. Living with a mental disorder such as anxiety or depression does not mean you cannot enjoy healthy relationships, perform well at work, or live happily.[6] At the same time, the 5 ways to wellbeing cannot serve as a catch-all cure or treatment for mental conditions.

If you think you are suffering from a mental health condition, talk to a doctor at Mosh. ​​We use video chat, SMS, or online messaging for all our consultations so you can be comfortable and maintain your privacy all the way through. 

We take mental health seriously, which is why you can ask anything from ‘How to tell if shortness of breath is from anxiety?’ to ‘What does depression feel like?’ or even discuss taking a ‘How depressed am I quiz’ and expect medically backed advice.

If deemed necessary, your doctor can recommend a therapy- or medication-based treatment plan that suits your needs.

Mosh: Your Online Health Platform

Our goal is to help you on your journey to wellness beyond the 5 ways to wellbeing. Whether it is a mental or physical health issue that has affected you, we want to be there for you every step of the way. Through our online platform, we make it as easy as possible for you to get help if you need it. 

Mosh specialises in breaking taboos on men’s health issues like mental and sexual health, weight and hair loss, and skincare. We provide Moshers with a safe, confidential space to discuss any issue with our doctors. As soon as you are ready, talk to us at Mosh.

6 References


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