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How To Lose Facial Weight

By Mosh
Start Losing Weight
5 min read
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Key Takeaways

While targeted weight loss on a specific area of the body including the face is not possible, implementing a healthy lifestyle that includes a range of positive habits can contribute to weight loss in general, potentially resulting in lesser facial fat. To understand more about weight loss, consult a doctor and seek proper advice regarding a sustainable weight loss plan for yourself.

There’s really nothing to be embarrassed about; many Australians, regardless of age or gender, would want to know how to lose facial weight. Whether you’re keen on getting a chiselled jawline or perhaps looking to reduce fat on cheekbones, having a skinny face can surely bring up your confidence. 

However, reaching your body goals can be extremely difficult if you’re fairly new to the process of losing weight. In fact, beginners and veterans in the fitness scene still find themselves glued to their mobile phones, doing broad searches like ‘How to lose face fat?’ and even asking more detailed questions such as ‘How to lose neck fat fast in a week?’ online.

Instead of spending hours of your free time self-researching topics related to the reduction of fat cheeks, why don’t you make everything easier for yourself by consulting with our AHPRA-registered doctors at Mosh? Here, we can give you professional diet advice, and if absolutely necessary, we can also recommend the best weight loss shakes for your specific needs or medical weight loss treatments. 

Take advantage of our online telehealth platform and see how we can help you how to reduce face fat.

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What is facial weight?

Knowing how to lose facial weight starts with understanding what it actually is. By definition, facial weight can be thought of as the perceived heaviness or bulkiness of a person’s face. 

This can be a result of a number of factors, including the size and shape of the head, the thickness of the skin, the prominence of the features, and the amount of fat or muscle tissue present. 

Some people may find that a heavier or more muscular face is more attractive, while others may prefer a softer, more delicate look. Ultimately, it is up to the individual to decide what facial weight they find most appealing.[1]

How does facial weight work?

Similar to tackling the general question of ‘How to lose body fat?’, it helps to know how facial weight gets stored in our bodies.

Fat is stored in our body in the form of adipose tissue, which is made up of multiple cells that store triglycerides.[2] However, we are not in control of where our fat is stored in our body, whether it be in our facial or abdominal region. 

Studies have shown that our genetics play a significant role in where we store fat. That’s why some individuals accumulate more fat around their face while others would have fat build up in other areas or maybe even equally around the whole body.[3] 

Is it difficult to lose face fat?

If you’re learning how to lose facial weight, you have to keep in mind that it can be incredibly difficult to reach your goal if you don’t have the appropriate information at hand. Without the proper guidance, you could fall into weight loss fads and trends that don’t live up to your standards. 

The truth is that there’s only one answer to ‘How to lose facial weight?’ and other similar questions like ‘How to get rid of back fat?’ or ‘How to lose thigh fat?’ 

Contrary to popular belief, you can’t focus on one area of your body and reduce weight in that particular region. Studies have disproved ‘spot reduction’ and have favoured general weight loss techniques.[4] 

So if you have limited knowledge about losing weight, it would be a great idea to consult with one of our doctors at Mosh. Not only will they be a reputable source, but they can also take into account your medical history through a questionnaire. The best part is that it’s completely paperless, and you’ll only need a couple of minutes out of your busy day to complete it. 

What are the common steps to lose weight?

Seeing that you want to learn how to lose facial weight, there’s no doubt that you want to know some common steps you can follow at home. There are three main points to consider; this includes the incorporation of exercise, a diet for chubby cheeks, and perhaps even evidence-based treatment if necessary.

When it comes to making your journey for better health and aesthetics more efficient, allow us at Mosh to guide you with personalised advice from our doctors.

What are the best exercises for a slimmer face?

There’s a lack of evidence that shows that doing a dedicated face exercise will lead to a slimmer face.[5] Instead, it’s best to work on learning how to lose fat as a whole. When you lower your overall body fat percentage, you’ll be able to start seeing the difference around your face.[6]

With this, you should focus on both cardio and weight exercises to lose face fat. This will help you with general weight loss, thus letting you learn how to lose facial weight or how to get rid of chubby cheeks and double chins. 

  • Cardio workout- This type of exercise is great if you want to burn a substantial amount of calories during the session. It keeps your heart rate up for better heart health and fat loss.[7] 
  • Weight training- On the other hand, resistance exercises burn fewer calories during the session but increase muscle mass.[8] 

Now that you know how to exercise to lose weight, feel free to consult our Mosh doctors about diet setups. They can give you all the information you need and update you through a wide array of convenient options like private video conferencing, phone calls, and text messages. 

Can diet help with getting a skinnier face?

If you’ve been thinking about the question ‘How to lose facial weight?’ then maybe you’ve also thought about how to lose weight fast without exercise. For those who don’t have the lifestyle (lack of time or medical conditions) for regular workouts, you can still make weight loss progress by understanding which foods that make your face fat.

A balanced and nutritional diet is not only good for you but also helps you maintain a healthy weight. It’s usually composed of filling whole foods like lean proteins and whole grains.[9] These healthy foods will even help you retain the muscle mass you already have,[10] and reduce your risk of certain diseases.

Just remember to avoid extreme dieting or crash dieting, as it is not sustainable and can lead to more harm than good.[11] Consumption of most processed foods must also be limited since they have high caloric content without much nutrition.

We at Mosh are dedicated to your well-being, and as such, we’ll only recommend what’s suitable for your specific situation. After we analyse what your body needs, we can prescribe you a diet that’s designed by dieticians or a custom face fat loss treatment plan. However, we’ll only suggest a program if it would benefit you and your goals. 

What’s more, after our team of doctors shows you how to lose facial weight, you’ll be able to receive your treatment plan in the comfort of your home with our subscription service. This way, you won’t have to worry about making trips to a physical clinic for top-ups. 

Get empowered with our online telehealth service at Mosh and join our community today!

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Sallie, 48QLD
Program typeWeight loss medication
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11 References


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